If you’re like me, you’ve been told that freelancing is a dream come true for those who don’t want to work for someone else. That’s not necessarily true! What these people miss is that freelancing requires the same amount of hard work and commitment as any other career path. The only difference is that instead of answering to an employer, you’re answering only to yourself.
With this strategy, you can help clients get over their initial reservations by pre-qualifying them. You can also show off your process and how much work goes into a new website or redesign. This will help you figure out if they’re a good fit for your services before spending time with them on something that doesn’t end up being profitable for either of you. Another added benefit: most people are too busy to do the research themselves, so offering a consultation will be seen as an act of generosity rather than an attempt to sell something quickly.
It’s important that you don’t try to close the deal during this meeting—that would make it feel less like a consultation and more like traditional sales. Instead, focus on showing off what it is that makes your practice unique and valuable by sharing some examples from past projects.
Start with a simple sales page
You’re ready to sell web design services, but where do you start?
The first step is creating a simple sales page. This can be as simple as a single page with your contact information, why people need your services, what you can offer them, and pricing information. We won’t go into the details of how to create this page here; there are plenty of resources on the internet that can help you get started.
What we will talk about is what should go on that sales page:
Start by listing some benefits to hiring a designer (e.g., it saves time and money). Next list some examples of previous work—this helps show potential customers what kind of site they can expect if they hire you. Finally mention any guarantees that come with hiring you (e.g., unlimited revisions, post-sale service).
Showcase your work. Be sure to sell your web design services by showing off the work you’ve done. You can use a portfolio, blog posts, landing pages, case studies or testimonial pages to do this.
A testimonial is a tool that can help you attract customers and prove the value you offer. Testimonials are simply customer reviews, written by people who have been happy with your service. It’s tough to find testimonials in the beginning when you don’t have much experience, but it’s worth it!
For example, if your target market is small businesses, ask for a testimonial from someone like them: another business owner or entrepreneur who has used your services before. You can also ask for client feedback by emailing them or sending out surveys—the more information you gather on how well web design works for different types of companies (and individuals), the better prepared you will be when speaking with prospects later on.
Write blog posts that your target market will find valuable
As a web designer, your blog is one of the most valuable tools at your disposal. Blogs are an easy way to reach out to potential clients and build your brand as an expert in your field.
Here are some reasons why:
- Your blog can help you get more clients by building up credibility. When people read about what you’ve done for other companies and how great those experiences were, they’ll want to hire you too! Once someone trusts that you’re a talented designer who can deliver quality work on time and within budget, there’s no stopping them from hiring you again (and again).
- Blogging helps establish yourself as an authority in the field—which means people will come seeking advice from time-to-time when they have questions about their own businesses or projects that need designing. This allows for long-term relationships with potential customers; if something goes wrong with their website later on down the line (which it inevitably will), they’ll know exactly where to turn!
Educate your clients with webinars and recorded videos they can watch on their own time
Webinars and recorded videos are a great way to educate your clients on what they can expect during the development process. When you’re creating a webinar, consider how much time you want it to last. You’ll need about 15 minutes for each session, but this will vary depending on how in depth you want your presentation to be. When recording video, keep in mind that people often tire of watching long videos (most are around five minutes long).
You can host webinars using GoToMeeting or Zoom, which both have free plans available if you don’t need any extra features like screen sharing or video conferencing capabilities Another tip: try not smiling too much while speaking because it doesn’t look professional unless there’s something important like laughter behind it which might happen once but definitely won’t happen twice within ten seconds’ worth of footage.”
Connect with your target market using LinkedIn and Facebook Groups
In the world of business, connections are everything. The more connections you have, the wider your network and the more opportunities you’ll have to grow your business. If you’re a web designer looking to start selling web design services, one of the best ways for you to build these connections is by using LinkedIn and Facebook Groups.
LinkedIn is an online professional networking site that allows users to connect with other professionals in their industry or job field who work at companies similar in size and scope as theirs. In addition to connecting with potential clients on LinkedIn, use it as a platform for sharing content such as blog posts or webinars related to what they do so that they can get some free advice while also learning more about what it takes for them (as well as others like them) when it comes down right now this?
Facebook groups are social media communities where members share ideas about specific topics based on common interests; these communities often include thousands if not tens of thousands of people interested in those topics who want nothing more than help each other out by providing feedback on each other’s work (such as writing articles) along with asking questions about certain things regarding those topics–this makes them perfect places where someone can post content related specifically towards these kinds of things without having fear.
Create checklists and worksheets that show results
Show your work. Be sure to create checklists and worksheets that show results. For example, if you’re designing a website and the client is looking for more traffic, you could provide a checklist of steps they should take and then provide a worksheet that shows the results of their efforts so far.
This doesn’t have to be anything too fancy—you can just keep track on paper or with Google Sheets! You can even create something simple in Excel or Google Sheets that has one row per step on your checklist, then another row per week (or whatever timeframe makes sense). Then highlight in green any completed tasks, yellow for partially completed ones, or red if something didn’t get done at all. This will give clients an easy way to see how much progress they’re making towards their goals!
You can also use this method during consultations: walk through each step with them first so they understand how everything fits together before getting started. And don’t forget about social media sharing—posting weekly updates will encourage users who are following along from afar while also demonstrating accountability among other potential clients who may come across these posts accidentally (or intentionally).
You can go from zero to freelancing in 90 days or less!
You can go from zero to freelancing in 90 days or less!
Sometimes you need a little push to make big changes in your life, and this is one of those times. Are you ready? It’s time to jump into the freelance world and start making money doing something you love.
But how will this happen? How do I start? What if I fail? You’ve got questions, but there are no answers because nobody else has done it before! The answer isn’t found on Google; it’s found by taking action now. Stop thinking about what might be and start focusing on what will be! Take control of your future today!
There are only two things that matter: finding clients who value what they’re paying for, and delivering a high-quality product every single time (I won’t even mention deadlines).
These tips will help you stand out from the crowd and make a name for yourself as a freelance web designer. Remember to stay consistent with your marketing efforts, so that people know who they’re working with and what they do best. And most importantly: don’t give up! If you keep trying new things until something works—even if it takes longer than expected—you’ll eventually find success.
If doing this is what you love, you’ll find the way to success! And how do I know that? Because I walked on the same path starting as a freelance.
I wish you the best,
Martin Pereira
Owner of Infinite Ideas Web Design