How to Get Ecommerce SEO Right:
You’ve built an incredible eCommerce website, filled it with products and content, and are ready to start marketing your site. But how do you make sure that all the work you’ve put into SEO will be worthwhile?
Ecommerce is one of the most popular online shopping trends.
Ecommerce is the process of buying and selling products or services over the internet, using a website to host the transaction. In order for ecommerce sites to rank highly in Google search results, they need to optimize their pages for search engines using SEO techniques.
One of the most important things an ecommerce site can do is add product descriptions to each page. This helps search engines understand what your products are, which makes it easier for users to find them when they’re looking on Google.
Another key aspect of SEO in ecommerce is optimizing product titles. Product titles should be descriptive and include keywords that people might use when searching for your products—but they shouldn’t be overly spammy or long-winded (Google doesn’t like that). You also want to make sure that all of your product titles are unique; if you have multiple versions of the same thing (like different colors), then each version should have its own title (for example: “Red Shirt” vs “Blue Shirt”). Aside from optimizing product titles, you’ll also want to focus on keyword research so that you can find out which keywords people are searching for in relation to your business category and products/services offered.
If you are interested in knowing more about eCommerce SEO, please contact us.